Please click on the links below to access information about the year group topics.
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Spring 2
Summer 1
Summer 2
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Fire pupils' curiosity about the past in Britain and the wider world
Develop a range of skills and abilities; particularly those related to finding out about the past, explaining what happened and what people then and now think about what happened
Encourage thinking about how the past influences the present
Help students develop a chronological framework for their knowledge of significant events and people
Use historical enquiry as a way of developing pupils’ questioning skills
Foster a sense of identity and an increased understanding of pupils' own position in their own community and the world
Topics have been allocated to each year group to enable cross-curricular links as part of Sketchley Hill’s ‘Curiosity Curriculum’. These can be seen in the long-term plan.
Provision is made for all learning styles. The mode of working in history is a mix of class teaching, cooperative groups and individual work. Groups are usually of mixed ability and are encouraged to communicate their findings in a variety of ways.
In learning history pupils will:
Topics have been allocated to each year group to enable cross-curricular links as part of Sketchley Hill’s ‘Curiosity Curriculum’. These can be seen in the long-term plan.
Provision is made for all learning styles. The mode of working in history is a mix of class teaching, cooperative groups and individual work. Groups are usually of mixed ability and are encouraged to communicate their findings in a variety of ways.
In learning history pupils will:
- Use a range of sources such as people, the local environment, sites, photographs, portraits, artefacts, written materials, computing based materials, data, video extracts
- Investigate significant issues about the past
- Work in a variety of contexts - individually, in groups, as a whole class
- Present their knowledge and understanding in a variety of ways such as through drama, art, models, various writing styles / genre, collage, timelines, sketches, maps
- As they grow in confidence, begin to pose and investigate their own questions about the past
- Always explain what we want pupils to know, understand and be able to do through the history they are about to do
- Use a key question to direct pupils' thinking / enquiry about the past
- Explain how historians use evidence and historical skills to make findings and conclusions
- Use vocabulary related to disciplinary skills
- Vary the resources and activities to ensure each pupil can be effective in finding out about and trying to explain the past
- Use starters and plenaries to ensure students fully understand what they are learning, how they learn and how well they are progressing
Fire pupils' curiosity about the past in Britain and the wider worldPupils attitudes to learning are good or better in lesson monitoring visits
Develop a range of skills and abilities; particularly those related to finding out about the past, explaining what happened and what people then and now think about what happened
Encourage thinking about how the past influences the presentPupils can discuss important events and people that have shaped modern times in interviews
Help students develop a chronological framework for their knowledge of significant events and people
Use historical enquiry as a way of developing pupils’ questioning skills
Foster a sense of identity and an increased understanding of pupils' own position in their own community and the world
The following are some approaches to meeting the needs of those pupils with SEND, with a focus on accessing history; year groups will need to make their own adaptations depending on the individuals or groups in their current cohorts: Multi-sensory approaches, the use of ICT and planning support.
The following are some approaches to meeting the needs of those pupils with SEND, with a focus on accessing history; year groups will need to make their own adaptations depending on the individuals or groups in their current cohorts: Multi-sensory approaches, the use of ICT and planning support.